Cocking Springs

Cocking springs store energy by applying torque to the spring arms; When the force effect disappears, they transmit moment to opposite direction of the force. The cocking springs must be operated in a direction where the spring diameters will decrease. Permanent deformation may occur if the spring diameter is operated in the opposite direction to the winding direction, in which the diameter will increase. While designing, it is thought that it will be operated in such a way as to reduce the spring diameter.

Elmas Yay, Yay, Basma Yay, Çekme Yay, Kurma Yay,Telform Yay, Tarım Makine Yay
Elmas Yay, Yay, Basma Yay, Çekme Yay, Kurma Yay,Telform Yay, Tarım Makine Yay
Elmas Yay, Yay, Basma Yay, Çekme Yay, Kurma Yay,Telform Yay, Tarım Makine Yay
Elmas Yay, Yay, Basma Yay, Çekme Yay, Kurma Yay,Telform Yay, Tarım Makine Yay
Elmas Yay, Yay, Basma Yay, Çekme Yay, Kurma Yay,Telform Yay, Tarım Makine Yay
Elmas Yay, Yay, Basma Yay, Çekme Yay, Kurma Yay,Telform Yay, Tarım Makine Yay